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Road Runner!

Click here to learn more about our club, its benefits and  activities.


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Thank you for visiting the home of the Wilmington Road Runners Club. Founded in 1977, the Wilmington Road Runners Club (WRRC) is one of the oldest continuously operating clubs in North Carolina. The WRRC is a non-profit member organization that promotes a healthier lifestyle through running and walking by supporting our members and the community and providing opportunities for training, racing, socializing, and volunteering.    Learn more....

  • No upcoming events

2025 Scholarship Applications

WRRC will award $12,000 in college scholarships next  year. Apply here!


member login & profile settingS

Using the link above to login to the site using your email address. If you have not done this before and do not have a password setup, simply click on forgot password and follow the steps to set one up. Once you have logged in, you can augment your profile with additional details, photos, and check the status of your membership.

Events calendar and event registratioN

The website is a great place to check out the upcoming races, special events and group runs. For WRRC events you can now register online right on the club's new website.

Submit Your Grand Prix Results!

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