WRRC Turkey Trot 

Annual 4 Mile Trail Run/Walk, Carolina Beach State Park, NC

Saturday, November 30, 2019

4 Mile     9:00AM           $30      Price increases November 20, 2019 at 11:59pm EST

Carolina Beach State Park
1010 B Road
Carolina Beach, NC US 28428


The Wilmington Roadrunners Club partners with Carolina Beach State Park to put on this annual event to help support our local parks.  CBSP and Fort Fisher State Recreation Area established a local Friends of State Park group to enable contributions directly to our local Pleasure Island Parks.  Proceeds will help support park projects, to be determined by Staff, at both parks for special purchases not allocated by their budget. In the past, funding has been used for trail repairs, a flag pole, museum purchases, and computer upgrades.  We are so lucky to have access to these wonderful facilities.  Please join the Wilmington Roadrunners Club to support Carolina Beach State Park and Fort Fisher State Recreation Area.  To Register: Click Here...

Directions to Event:

Parking will be at the Carolina Beach State Park Marina Parking Lot. Follow Highway 421 South from Wilmington across Snow's Cut Bridge into Carolina Beach. Turn right at the second light onto Dow Road. Turn right approximately 2/10 mile into Carolina Beach State Park. Follow Road to marina parking. Park in Designated spaces only.

Limited parking is available at the finish line on Nature Trail Way, which also serves as the Breakfast/Awards Venue. This area is a short walk back to the Marina.


Race begins at Carolina Beach State Park Marina. Runners will proceed on paved road and then enter well marked trails through pine forest and over wooden footbridges. Footing is generally good with occasional sand, roots, and limb hazards. Water is available at the start and finish. Trail conditions may result in slightly different distance.

Entry Fee:

$30.00 by November 20th includes all you can eat hot breakfast buffet. $35.00 after November 20th.

Early Package Pick up/Registration:

You may pick up your bib at Omega Sports Friday, November 29th from 4 to 6 pm.

Race Day Registration:

Race Day Registration/Packet Pick-up will be at the Carolina Beach State Park Visitors Center on Saturday, the 30th, from 7:00 - 8:30 AM. The center is approximately 1/4 mile on right upon entering the park! Get you packet there, then proceed to the marina to park. Registration is also available here!


First male and female finishers receive a pair of new shoes courtesy of Omega Sports. Age group awards recognize first place in men's and women's categories as follows: 13 and under, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and up. Awards to first place male and female masters. Larger age groups may be awarded more deeply. 

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